Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mystique? Mystique!

Yay! Okay, so I was finally able to get started on my brand new Mystique painting today at work. Well, technically, I got started Saturday, but that was just the line drawing. Me and Allen decided to move the season along by doing some pics of Marvel peoples and such, so check out his page as well for some pretty awesome airbrush work. He's currently working on the Joker.

So, here's my work in progress:

This is the line drawing I made from the original picture. Yes, I did trace it was a projector, but hey, better to get it on proportionately than ugly. Plus, tracing it on is much faster. And.... I still had to draw in the details and stuff myself. I trace it on for correct composition

And here is all the black in for the image. Everything else added on later will be color and white. I really like how its going so far!

Yeah, my camera phone REALLY sucks, so, um sorry bout that.


andrewQuintiliani said...

Not too shabby! Do you use reference from the actual comics, or what?

Victoria said...

Did i EVER tell you how AmaZing you are!!!!???
lol, well u are!! i've got new junk up, lookie! :)

wimpCheese said...

I actually am painting it from a Mike Mayhew painting. When I airbrush these pictures, its usually from an actual picture already.

Joe Karg said...

Totally awesome CHI! See you tomorrow. I added you to my friends finally as well.


Heather Berry said...

Looks really good, I love this Chi!